I’ve done a duathlon and two triathlons so far this year, and this morning (after getting up at 04:45, ouch) did my first open water long swim in many years (I’ve only ever used my wetsuit once before!!) at the Eastleigh lake. Swam for about an hour and managed well over 2 miles. It was murkier but not as cold as I was expecting.
This weekend I’m doing the Emsworth-Basingstoke relay (http://www.emsworthrelay.org.uk/) in aid of Alzheimer’s Society. Unfortunately my team has carelessly lost 3 runners (through marathon fatigue, injury, and a surgery brought forward at late notice, respectively) and we’ve only found one replacement, which means the remaining guys are going to have to run nearly 12 miles each, in 4 or 5 short bursts of 2-4 miles with unpleasant opportunities for legs to seize up in between.
I haven’t been and recce’d any of the relay legs this year, but those who have report the last month of rain has left much of the route under 6″ of mud. It’s not going to be pretty…
If you would like to sponsor us in aid of Alzheimer’s Society, it’s http://www.justgiving.com/SonyEmsworthBasingstoke2012. Thank you!
After that, I’m vaguely thinking about having a go at a tri with an open water swim (hence the swim this morning), and maybe stepping up to Olympic distance (this being Olympic year and all), maybe at the Bournemouth International race on 8 July. Not sure I can manage enough training but we’ll see.